Manual medicine of the spine


Dunja Barak-Smešny


The book Manual medicine of the spine reflects the desire to bring the Slovenian text closer to those doctors who deal with the locomotor system, to address injuries of the function of the spine as a central part of the locomotor system. The book clearly shows the specific procedures of mobilization, manipulation, and exercises. The work technique is based on the Czech school of manual medicine of Professor K. Lewit and assistant professor E. Richlykova, while the connective tissue massage follows the so-called Dicke method.

The intention of the book is to serve as a practical manual in which the theoretical part, in which the author explains the pathological foundations, refers to methods of work in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and discusses mobilization techniques, tissue preparation and exercises as an integral part, and preservation of treatment results. The mobilization and manipulation procedures represent a non-aggressive approach to establishing the function of joints.

1st reprint November 2023


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April 6, 2021

How to Cite

Barak-Smešny, D. 2021. Manual medicine of the spine. Alma Mater Press.